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Let’s make a world where all children can live innocent lives.

All donations go towards identifying anonymous child predators to help bring them to justice. It can cost up to $5,000 to produce one file sent to law enforcement.

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Innocent Lives Foundation has partnered with to enable our supporters to make stock donations in 10 minutes or less. Our DonateStock page enables you to donate stock from your brokerage directly to our account through a secure portal, making the gifting process fast, safe and easy.

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This work is so important.

AJ CookSearchlight

Wiley is proud to support the mission of The Innocent Lives Foundation and their work to unmask online predators. We’re glad to see Chris Hadnagy and other cybersecurity experts using their incredible skills to deliver actionable intelligence to law enforcement to bring these predators to proper justice.

Jim Minatel, Executive Editor, John Wiley & SonsLighthouse

There is no greater tragedy than the enslavement of another, to consider this happens to children in our own country is abhorrent to the nth degree. What Innocent Lives Foundation is committed to is something we should all be committed to, freeing children from this horrific crime. Thank you ILF for making the world a better place.

James ChitwoodFlashlight

Thank you Neil for bringing awareness to this cause! If making this contribution is a part in helping end this, then I'm glad to have helped.

Lindsay MaussFlashlight

I can not bear the thought of children being hurt. I know the folks who run ILF and I wanted to help... I am compelled to help.

Anonymous DonorBeacon

When I think about children being exploited, hurt or humilated I get angry. I want to support a group of security professionals that can help save even just one child. Thank you!

Anonymous DonorFlashlight

United by a passion of justice and technology...we will find you, expose you, and put you away...

Anonymous DonorFlashlight

I wanted to make a difference.


I supported ILF because I was abused as a child and I know how horrible it can affect a child.

Yvette HirthFlashlight

What ILF is doing here is one of the most important missions that we can do. Hackers have a unique ability to fight evil and work to keep children safe. I’m a huge fan of ILF’s mission, its results, and the need and desire to do everything we possibly can in this earth to protect the innocent and helpless.

David Kennedy, CEO TrustedSecSearch Light

I donated because I have kids and am appalled at how low people will go to prey on them. I can't imagine any child in this situation - especially my own. Kids need to be kids as long as possible.

Jason S.Flashlight

I am so proud of your efforts to put an end to this ugly problem, Neil! Wish I could give more.

Elaine SignoriniFlashlight

The topic of child abuse is something my wife and I care a great deal about. We want to help in any way we can.

Kyle Antoszewski & Kortnie AllenFlare

It's all about protecting the children!!

Anonymous DonorFlashlight

I am so happy to help any way I can. Keep up the good work, Neil.

Ross GorinsonFlashlight

Thank you for your work.

Carol F PuderFlashlight

I was at DefCon when Chris spoke to the room about the organization, the story behind its genesis, the team that had been assembled, their mission and the challenges they faced. As I shared the story with my peers - we all felt that what was being started here filled a gap that we've felt very much needed filling....putting together the right people to fight a very worthwhile and challenging fight....with the appropriate coordination and engagement of established authorities to make it successful. Why am I donating? Because this is an amazing effort to support....and because I can.... I'd encourage anyone who can to do the same.

Erich ‘MilkMan Dan’ MuellerFlare

Our family feels this is a great cause and wants to help other children.

Lorne and Jodi HazlewoodFlashlight

I always felt strongly about exploited children. Let's make an environment where cyber predators are caught and exploitation does not exist anymore.

Anonymous DonorFlashlight

This cause is something that touches my heart. The horror for children having to endure drives me to want to help your amazing organization. Thank you.

Anonymous DonorFlashlight

I support ILF's mission and want to help equip them to protect more innocent life.

Anonymous DonorSearch Light

This is incredible, important work being done, and children need to be protected.

Patrick LavertyFlashlight

If only one child can be saved this would be a life time achievement. Thank you Neil.

Anonymous DonorFlashlight

I support ILF to attack a serious problem I feel does not get enough attention. The skills required to properly cut into these issues are typically not covered by standard law enforcement agencies. Only a specialized group such as this with world-class resources can truly put an end to it.

Richard O.Flashlight

I was a foster parent for 26 years. I cared for many, many children who will carry the physical and emotional scars for life after having been sexually abused or exploited.

Judy BartlettFor the Love of a Child

I want to help bring down the inhuman people who prey on the innocence of children.

Kat Mickelson

This is a great cause.


When I first read about the ILF researching my first DerbyCon I knew right away this was a cause I needed to donate to. Like many, I get angry when I hear about the tragic stories. How could I not do what I could to help the folks who donate their time to protect our children who are unable to protect themselves? It does take a village. Keep up the great work!

Rose PetramalaFlare